Friday, June 18, 2010

Is laser hair removal worth the $$$? Is it really 100% permanent?

The success of laser hair removal depends a LOT on the color of your hair. If you are a dark brunette or the hair you want removed is naturally dark, the laser works well.

However, if your hair is blonde or red naturally, there isn't enough pigment in the hair for the laser to kill the root.

Also, each hair follicle has several hairs in it, some of which are dormant at any given time. The hairs are in a several week cycle of growth and dormancy.

The laser hair removal kills the actively growing hair in the follicle but not the dormant ones. That's why you have to go back for another expensive treatment in a few weeks, to catch the hairs which were dormant the first treatment. Sometimes it takes 3-4 treatments.

Is laser hair removal worth the $$$? Is it really 100% permanent?

I've found that it depends on your hair color more than anything. When I had it done, it lasted about 6 months only. It's quite pricey but I found it worthwhile. You might want to investigate electrolysis and other forms of hair removal techniques. Every person reacts differently and prices vary so check around with several before deciding on a technician to do your hair removal. If found some info. At my source was helpful.

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