I recently had laser hair removal done by a dermatologist; on my fourth or fifth treatment, because my skin was slightly tan, I received burns all over the area with very superficial brown scarring (like a very, very thin scab). The brown areas are now peeling off and the skin underneath is normal texture, but is very very light (not pink). Is this just regeneration of the skin, or could it be permanent hypopigmentation? Will the color eventually blend in with the rest of my skin? I've been applying aquaphor twice daily. Thanks for the help.
Hypopigmentation after laser hair removal?
I have had laser removal and havent experienced that. but I only had it 3 times, each time he cooled the area with ice before lasering and I think thats what stopped it from leaving any type of irritation. you should ask your doctor about it-it doesnt sound normal.
Hypopigmentation after laser hair removal?
The source below discusses laser hair removal.
It happened to me too!!! A year little the spots are still pink/white