Thursday, November 26, 2009

Why men have to shave everyday rather having a permanent hair removal solution?

well i am a Man and i an " Natural" lets assume that you are an enviromentalist, ok, lets see there is that Tree that has Thorns on it... so do you think we need to go and cut the thorns of ALL those trees? or should we geneticaly Modify that tree not to have thorns? why do flora have thorns.. as far as that goes why fo fauna have horns and teeth? so then why do humans have hair? should you not first find out why we have hair and pleqase note that females have facial hair as well, then let me know and i will answer your question ;-) Eagle

Why men have to shave everyday rather having a permanent hair removal solution?

Today men have a choice of what they want to do: shave or have permanent hair removal. A few years ago there was no choice, they had to shave it they wanted to remove their stubble.

Why men have to shave everyday rather having a permanent hair removal solution?

what's that dude going to do then, when he falls in love with a girl, but she has this 5 o'clock shadow fetish???

Why men have to shave everyday rather having a permanent hair removal solution?

Because The Permanent Hair Removal Is For Women And Fags

Why men have to shave everyday rather having a permanent hair removal solution?

I'm waiting for them to produce Immac (Veet) for men. Permanent hair removal is too expensive for now.

Why men have to shave everyday rather having a permanent hair removal solution?

It gives them an option to have some or no facial hair.

Why men have to shave everyday rather having a permanent hair removal solution?

You have the same choices women do. Advertising isn't always geared towards men though. You can get laser hair removal... lots of men do it.

Why men have to shave everyday rather having a permanent hair removal solution?

permanent hair removal is for women.

fags seem to do it too.

fags are gay.

Why men have to shave everyday rather having a permanent hair removal solution?

why would they want to do that?

Why men have to shave everyday rather having a permanent hair removal solution?

Permanant hair removal can be accomplished at many different levels ...

Some can slightly remove some hairs and maintain their ability to grow facial hair (beard); this removal may allow the man to shave only daily (vs. mourning %26amp; night )

Other men can target "Side-Burns" ... permanantly remove hair from back of neck ... or decrease the facial hair down the face so that they can scultp the facial hair more easily. OMG, I'd recomend "Ear - Hair" Removal for everyman.

I wouldn't recomend ever that a guy goes hairless (unless it fits his lifestyle).

One major factor holding these men back is cost ... It's really not too bad, but most men are not familiar with shopping/pricing such services. I'd recomend you grab a girl who's had removal herself and go shopping.

Why men have to shave everyday rather having a permanent hair removal solution?

ya i totally hate this quality on judgeing by people to use or not use pernamaent haire removal especially girls who are uprooted and commited wrong advice to guys

i mean why? not you girls stop using hair removal then teling us-guys (even though we woun't like hairy girls but neather do some girls) so its rageious for society to make us live with this irratiable and itchy condition- i hope we can use thees materials soon on us -

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