Thursday, November 26, 2009

Laser hair removal is not permanent... then what is?

im a currently 18 year old, an age still with raging hormones, since junior high i have had a slight unibrow and have plucked it ever since... before entering college i was hoping i could permanently remove this unibrow, i have considered the idea of laser hair removal and have called the laser facility, where i got a honest response saying that it would not permanently remove this excessive hair, especially at this age...

is there any way i can get my unibrow removed permanently? thanks!

Laser hair removal is not permanent... then what is?

hey luv with laser hair removal its like the best thing to get for the closest to permanent hair removal. true it wont last forever but then you can just go back for the routinly treatment. if you want a different approach then i recomend waxing its not as painful as its said to be but its also temperary it lasts for about 3 months i personaly have had laser removal like everywhere and its managable to me

so it depends on you

luv ya good luck

Laser hair removal is not permanent... then what is?

Radiation poisoning?

Laser hair removal is not permanent... then what is?

well im saying laser hair removal is A RIP OFF

and me, never having those kind of issues,if i did i would would proably keep doing what you do, pluck.

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